Posts Tagged ‘independents’

polictics and surveys

September 9, 2010

Being September in a election year the phone rings pretty regularly with folks taking surveys about how I am going to vote.  I always agree to do these surveys and always get SO frustrated.  The  questions whether asked by Democrats, Republicans, Tea-Party, or Joe Blow make me totally nuts.  There is no GRAY  just black or white, strongly agree, agree, don’t agree, strongly disagree….etc etc.  The problem is the questions have no GRAY.  I can strongly agree to something but only if such and such goes with it, but you are not allowed to explain or elaborate.  You’re not even allowed to say ” both”  when asked an A or B question  even when you can agree with both A & B.  The questions are also heavily weighted so even something reasonable sounds bad if that’s the way they want you to think it is.

This lack of GRAY is I believe a huge reason why we as a nation are in such a state of dysfunction.  There is NO debate, no “well yes but only if….”  In this world there is almost nothing that is just black or white, shades of gray are necessary and important.

The really big problem with this is that the public is  told ” the majority of American’s think thus and so”  NO they don’t because I know I am not the only one that answered the question with ….”agree but”…… and of course the “but” is not recorded.

We need to fight back, not sure just how, but maybe it’s as simple as saying out loud all the time…..let’s talk about the options, the pros and cons.  Let’s not yell, lie and bad mouth, spouting off hear-say like it’s truth, refusing to listen and consider, let’s talk about other opinions.   Let’s try an open mind, careful, fact based truths.  Let’s allow that in most things there are shades of gray where we might all agree with and get something good done.

If we don’t we are headed, and I think these days rapidly heading, for disaster.

I need a glass of wine!