polictics and surveys

September 9, 2010

Being September in a election year the phone rings pretty regularly with folks taking surveys about how I am going to vote.  I always agree to do these surveys and always get SO frustrated.  The  questions whether asked by Democrats, Republicans, Tea-Party, or Joe Blow make me totally nuts.  There is no GRAY  just black or white, strongly agree, agree, don’t agree, strongly disagree….etc etc.  The problem is the questions have no GRAY.  I can strongly agree to something but only if such and such goes with it, but you are not allowed to explain or elaborate.  You’re not even allowed to say ” both”  when asked an A or B question  even when you can agree with both A & B.  The questions are also heavily weighted so even something reasonable sounds bad if that’s the way they want you to think it is.

This lack of GRAY is I believe a huge reason why we as a nation are in such a state of dysfunction.  There is NO debate, no “well yes but only if….”  In this world there is almost nothing that is just black or white, shades of gray are necessary and important.

The really big problem with this is that the public is  told ” the majority of American’s think thus and so”  NO they don’t because I know I am not the only one that answered the question with ….”agree but”…… and of course the “but” is not recorded.

We need to fight back, not sure just how, but maybe it’s as simple as saying out loud all the time…..let’s talk about the options, the pros and cons.  Let’s not yell, lie and bad mouth, spouting off hear-say like it’s truth, refusing to listen and consider, let’s talk about other opinions.   Let’s try an open mind, careful, fact based truths.  Let’s allow that in most things there are shades of gray where we might all agree with and get something good done.

If we don’t we are headed, and I think these days rapidly heading, for disaster.

I need a glass of wine!


September 6, 2010

WOW what a day!! Ed made the comment that there are a handful of perfect days each year and today is one of them. It of course helps that we led into it with a late dinner at O’Faolain’s where we had wonderful food, and met Kevin another manager who is just as Irish, cute and friendly as Justin and Frances. Then when we got home the air was so clear we could see the Milky Way. We slept with the windows open to awake to an almost cold morning, breezy dry air and perfect temps for our walk.

We went over to Sugarloaf Mountain and parked just down from the square (which was full) on Mt. Ephraim Rd. and headed up the “down” road of the mountain to the East View parking lot. This road is a good bit steeper than the “up” road but prettier. From the parking lot we started off on the 1/4 mile steep Orange trail to the mountain top where we popped over to where the view out across the land is wonderful. We figured we could easily see at least 40 miles. There was a guy sitting there on a rock facing away from the view staring at his iPad!! Never looked up once. I just don’t get it!

From there we headed off the backside of the mountain down the Red, to Blue, to White, and then Blue trail again. The morning light was playing through the leaves, some of which have started to show color (brought on by both September and drought) and the breeze made them dance which created waving shadows. I was actually giggling as I played the rock hop game that I taught Scott & Kevin so many years ago (walking fast, from rock, stone, and/or pebble, for as far as you can without losing your balance and stepping on roots or dirt ground) . From the Blue trial we hooked up to Mt. Ephraim Rd and walked back to the van. We figure about 5 1/2 to 6 miles of road and trail in just about 2 hours.

On the drive over to the mountain looking at the glorious morning I had heard my mother’s voice telling one of her favorite stories. Once there was a poor orphaned shoe shine boy, whistling, smiling and cleaning shoes for pennies, when a man asked him ” Look at your life, why are you so happy?” The boy looked up at the man and said, “Why sir, I have never lived THIS day before.”

Along the last bit of the Blue trail we came upon a women walking 4 leashed dogs of varying sizes. Leading the pack, by a lot, tail wagging, nose to the ground sniffing along, a grin on his face, was a yellow lab. A 3 legged yellow lab!

All I could think was no matter what the difficulties, heart ache, or daily worries… I have never lived this day before and isn’t it just wonderful!

she’s back!!

August 29, 2010

I am going to try this one more time, 3rd times the charm they say and this would be my 3rd shot, although this time I am using Word Press because folks can comment without having to be a fellow blogger or having a google account.  Please bear with me as I learn my way around this new system.

Ed and I walked ON the mountain (Sugarloaf) today rather than our usual up the mountain road and down or around the west side on Mt Ephraim Rd.  This time we drove up to West View and hiked up the stairs and then across the top and out the blue trail onto the purple trail and back to the blue.  We figure from the map about 5 1/2 to 6 miles.  VERY different from walking the roads or our other favorite walking place along the C&O Canal.  Between the loose gravel and rocks and tree roots, and the one snake, not to mention some pretty steep hills it was a very different walk.  Worked ALL the muscles, but felt great and my personal favorite kind of walking because it feels more like my real love of  “going to see what’s over the next hill”  which my sister Ellen can tell you has lead to some serious hikes.

I also really needed this workout.  Last night we went for drinks and dinner at O’Faolain’s Irish Pub in Sterling.  This is the place where we are holding the 2nd Fundraiser in Scott’s memory for the Yellow Ribbon Fund. (September 11th, 5-till closing) It also happens to be were Scott and Christy had their wedding reception/lunch, so it has sweet memories.  Justin and Francis with their lovely Irish accents have been incredibly sweet and supportive, and the food is really good. Anyway, I digress.  Yesterday via Face Book we learned one of Scott’s friends still in Iraq was shot in the leg by a sniper.  He is supposed to be on his way to Walter Reed, but as of last report a couple of hours ago he’s still not even to Germany yet.  TJ is really strong and without knowing all the details, will probably be fine but it ain’t easy.

Please, please, remember we still have 50,000 men and women in Iraq and 100,000 in Afghanistan.  Please, please remember they are still fighting a war and being shot, blown up and killed.  Please, please remember they need more than just us remembering.  They need our understanding when they come home physically hurt, mentally wounded, and very possibly in need of a job.  Please, please remember their loved ones here at home trying not to spend every waking moment worrying, wandering around the internet looking for pictures (of which now that it’s “old” news there are very few of), trying to hang onto a life and make everything run normally; maybe being both mom and dad to children who can’t understand.  Please, please do what you can;  money to Yellow Ribbon or any of the good groups out there helping.  Please, please if you can, volunteer to help one hour, one day, one week, a lifetime.  Please, please do not forget them.